Parish Groups

For further information please select link.

Safeguarding Procedures
Adult Education
Bible Study Group
CTS Stand
Churches Together
Coffee Mornings
Guild of St Stephen
Marian Prayer Group
Rosary Prayer Group
Small Community Groups
Social Activities

Where no email address is given contact can be made through the Parish Priest.

Safeguarding Procedures
The Parish of St Edward the Confessor is committed to the Safeguarding policies of the Catholic Church in England and Wales, to take all reasonable steps to protect children, young people and vulnerable adults from any form of abuse or maltreatment and to promote a safe environment for them. This commitment flows from the fact that we are all made in the image of God and the Church’s common belief in the dignity and uniqueness of every human life. We start from the principle that each person has a right to expect the highest level of care and protection, love, encouragement and respect that we can give.

In line with the national guidelines, in addition to applying for a CRB Disclosure, all volunteers working with children and vulnerable adults at St Edward’s parish are required to provide references and make a declaration to the diocesan Safeguarding Coordinator. The Parish Safeguarding Lead is Alvaro Scrivano. Contact: 

Adult Education 
There is an ongoing Adult Education programme in the Parish throughout the year. Details can be found in the weekly newsletter, especially regarding RCIA and the Bible Study Group.
Contact: Joan How Email

CTS Stand
‘CTS’ stands for the ‘Catholic Truth Society’ which produces booklets to explain the faith, teaching and life of the Catholic Church. These range from the best-seller ‘Simple Prayer Book’ to official church documents and biographies of the Saints.

There is a stand with a selection of material at the back of the Church next to the Repository. Many more different titles are available than are displayed at any one time. If you have a particular request, please do ask.
Contact: Sue Williams

The choir sing at the 10.30 am Sunday Mass and at other important events. New members are always welcome -please see Mary Whittle or a member of the choir after the Mass.
Contact: Mary Whittle

Churches Together
The clergy or lay representatives of the various churches meet six times a year, with the aim of working together on local projects and witnessing to Christian Unity. A Unity Week service is held each year in a different church in January while other joint projects such as a Christian Aid quiz to raise money are held. Deacon Anthony Clark is currently the elected Chairman.
Contact: Antony Clark

Coffee Mornings
The Coffee Mornings which take place on Sundays in the Hall after the 10.30 Mass provide an opportunity for parishioners to chat with new parishioners and also make friends.

Guild of St Stephen 
The role of the altar servers is to assist the congregation in worship and to prepare the gifts for the Eucharist. There are nearly 20 servers who regularly take part in the 10.30 Mass and in the other liturgies of the Church’s year. When they have been serving for some time, the altar servers are enrolled in the Guild of St Stephen.

St Stephen is recognised as the first Christian martyr who was stoned to death in Jerusalem in the middle of First century AD. Stephen was one of the first Deacons of the Church dedicated to serving the needs of the poor.

Training is given to youngsters who wish to serve Mass regularly. Indeed any young people or adults who would like to serve at the altar at any of the parish Masses.
Contact: Parish Priest

Inter Faith
Westminster Interfaith is an agency of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Westminster. The aims are to increase understanding between Christians and other faiths through dialogue, prayer and action. There are many events throughout the year with the highlight being the annual Interfaith Pilgrimage. There are monthly meetings in Kenton All Saints Church led by Sister Elizabeth HC where we discuss and compare the various religious philosophies.
Contacts: Anthony Clark

Marian Prayer Group
The Group meet on Saturdays at 10.45 in the Hall. The Group also visit the sick and housebound in their homes and in the Residential homes .
Contact: Emmie Gamalinda

The Repository
A small Church Repository is open after Mass on Sundays. All religious artefacts such as prayer books, rosaries, bibles, a large collection of cards for all occasions, crucifixes, children’s books etc are kept in stock. For further information please
Contact:Emmanuel Akoumany and Diana Koh

Rosary Prayer Group
The Group meet every Saturday morning after the 10am Mass.

Social Activities
As and when planned e.g; International afternoon, African Nite, Quiz Nights, Theme Evenings.
Contact: Parish Priest.