Children’s Catechism
The Programmes
Parental Involvement
First Communion
Confirmation Preparation
Children’s Liturgy
RCIA – The Rite of Christian Iniation for Adults
Infant Baptism
Sick Calls
Catechists Page
Children’s Catechism
Catechism sessions are open to all children who attend St Edward’s church. The sessions are held during the school terms immediately after the 10.30am Mass each Sunday and last for half an hour. (The Confirmation group meets for longer sessions at a different time). Parents are warmly encouraged to attend Mass with their children and are invited to coffee in the hall whilst they wait for the sessions to finish. The children meet in groups according to their age in various rooms in the Parish Hall area:
for children aged 5-6 | Sacristy Annex |
for children aged 6-7 | Bar Annex |
for children aged 7-8 | Bar Lounge |
for children aged 8-9 | Hall Annex |
for children aged 9-10 | Hall |
for children aged 10-11 | Hall |
for children aged 11-12 | Hall |
for children aged 12-13 | Upper Room (classes not yet started) |
for children aged 13-14 | Classes start September 2013 |
At the end of Mass children are asked to wait until the final hymn is finished and then to go promptly to their groups. (Refreshments are always available after the sessions!)
Further details can be found at the “Catechists Page“.
The Programmes
Most groups follow the Walk With Me catechism programme which is used widely in the Westminster Diocese and is recommended by the Conference of Bishops in England and Wales. In each session the children are helped to reflect on experience in the light of Catholic belief, Scripture, doctrine and liturgy.
Walk With Me provides a four year cycle of life/faith themes and topics. The repetition of the nine life/faith themes each year enables these key aspects of Catholic faith and practice to be deepened as the children grow and develop.
I Belong is the preparation programme for First Communion.
Parents wishing to enrol their children onto the Children’s Catechism sessions for the first time need to complete a registration form and see Deacon Anthony or Irene Yew.
Parental Involvement
Parents are the first teachers of the faith. It is they who nurture their children’s faith by fostering in them Christian values, by bringing them to church, praying simple prayers with them and introducing them to stories from the Bible. Both programmes recognise this crucial primary role of parents in their children’s catechesis and therefore encourage parental involvement. A home workbook and a Parents’ Guide accompany “God’s Greatest Gift”.
First Communion Preparation
Children are prepared to share in the Eucharist for the first time as part of the programme detailed above. The children enrol in September and sessions are held every Sunday after the 10.30am Mass. A high level of attendance and parental support is expected throughout the year. Parents are invited to attend three Saturday afternoon sessions with their children during the year. The First Communion celebrations normally take place on two Sundays in May during the 10.30am Mass.
Children must be baptised before sharing in the Eucharist for the first time and a copy of the Baptismal Certificate is needed for parish records. Fr Tony Convery should be informed if a child wishes to join the First Communion group and has not been baptised.
Confirmation Preparation
The Confirmation Programme consists of fewer, longer sessions spread across the year. These are also held on Sunday mornings after the 10.30am Mass. Parents are involved in the preparation and are encouraged to attend at least one morning session per term with the candidates. The Programme includes a day of reflection which, for the last two years, has been led by the “Ten Ten Theatre” company. During Lent the candidates take part in a sponsored 24 hour fast beginning at 9.30am on Saturday. During the afternoon they attend a workshop on development issues and the work of CAFOD. Their families are encouraged to support their children in this challenge by taking part in the fast themselves and everyone breaks the fast together on Sunday morning.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated in the summer – usually in June or early July.
The success of the Children’s Catechism in St Edward’s is due to our committed team of parish Catechists who give their time freely each Sunday to work with the children.
Children’s Liturgy
During the 10.30am Mass children in the congregation are called forward, after the Opening Prayer, to go to the Hall for their own Liturgy of the Word. The Children’s Liturgy is aimed at children between 4 and 12 years old. Parents are welcome to accompany their children. However, it is not appropriate for babies and toddlers or younger children who are not used to sitting quietly for this length of time.
The catechist leads them in singing the Alleluia to greet the proclamation of the Gospel. Then, by involving the children in discussion and by asking questions, the catechist helps them to understand the message of the Gospel. The children may profess the Creed together and the Liturgy concludes with prayers. The children return to the church in procession bringing forward the gifts of bread and wine for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
For further information please contact
– Catechetical Co-Ordinator Deacon Anthony (
Safeguarding procedures – See under Parish Groups
RCIA, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The RCIA Programme takes place on Thursdays in the Parish Hall at 8.00 pm. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the means through which adults become full members of the Catholic Church. It restores the ancient sequence of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist as the inter linked sacraments of Initiation. It provides the model upon which the sacramental preparation in the parish is based. It emphasises that conversion to Christ is an on-going process, that it takes place within a community of the faithful, and that it is marked by the celebration of liturgical rites.
Adults who are interested in becoming Catholics or asking for adult confirmation meet weekly with other members of the Parish Community to study and discuss areas of Catholic Belief and Practice, and to pray and to reflect on the Word of God together. They celebrate the stages of their journey into the Church by public rites, culminating in their full reception into the Church at the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. The RCIA group meets on Thursdays at 8.00 pm in the Parish Hall. We welcome those interested in becoming Catholics or wanting to know more about the Catholic faith, those willing to sponsor and support enquirers, and Catholics who want to learn more about their faith.
RCIA Co-ordinator: Joan How
Further information? The next step ….. Speak to Fr Tony the Parish Priest or to Joan How or e-mail
Couples must contact the Parish Priest in person, after Sunday Mass at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date (regulation of the Archdiocese of Westminster). This includes couples getting married at another church in this country or abroad.
Infant Baptisms
Complete the Infant Baptism leaflet to be found in the porch and hand it to Fr Convery. There are two sessions of Baptism preparation, normally in the Church Hall on Tuesdays (see below) and when these have been completed, the arrangements for the baptism of your child may be made with the Fr Convery.
Session 1 | ||
9 October 2012 | 7.30pm – 8.30pm | |
16 October 2012 | 7.30pm – 8.30pm | |
Session 2 | ||
13 November 2012 | 7.30pm – 8.30pm | |
27 November 2012 | 7.30pm – 8.30pm |
Sick Calls
Please contact the Parish Priest (tel: 8455 1300) immediately in the case of serious illness or death. The Parish Priest brings Holy Communion to the sick and housebound regularly and should also be informed if any parishioner is confined to the house or hospital for any length of time.
If you are admitted to hospital please ask the Sister in Charge to notify the RC Chaplain that you have been admitted so that you can receive any necessary Sacraments.